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Academy Sign Up
Is your child currently enrolled at Court Grammar School
Please follow this link to enrol your child at Court Grammar School.
Enrolment Forms
Which Academy are you signing up for?
Arts Academy
Sports Academy
Arts Academy
Taught in our state-of-the art, purpose built Art Centre, the Court Grammar School Arts Academy is an amazing opportunity for talented students who display an inherent ability and interest in developing through the Arts to be involved in this specialist extension program.
Being part of the Academy gives students the opportunity to take part in various excursions and events, as well as participating in exhibitions and the biennial Musical.
Audition and workshop dates will be advised upon completion of enrolment (if current student of CGS, dates will be advised separately).
By applying to be part of the CGS Arts Academy, applicants will be considered for a Scholarship based on performance and work presented at the auditions and workshops.
Terms & Conditions
An official School Enrolment form be completed and submitted with this application.
Following receipt of the completed enrolment forms, selected individuals will be invited to an interview with the Principal.
No auditions or workshops will be conducted without this being completed. If your child is not invited to an interview, they will not be able to audition/attend the workshop.
An official place in the Academy may be offered only once the interview has been conducted, an offer of placement at the School has been made, the enrolment has been completed and the audition/workshop have been attended.
The easiest process to follow is:
Submit online application form prior to closing date Friday 2nd of May 2025. A confirmation email will be sent once your application has been submitted.
Submit all CGS school enrolment information to the front office/enrolments officer within 1 week of Arts Academy application
Attend an interview the Principal if invited to do so
Complete enrolment (return signed Letter of Offer and pay Admission Fee)
Attend the audition/workshop for a place in the Academy
Scholarships will be awarded to highly skilled students, depending on number of places available
Results of the auditions/workshops remain the property of Court Grammar School.
Sports Academy
Our Specialist Sport Academies (AFL, Netball & Basketball) provide students with a holistic program designed to develop their skills, knowledge, and passion for their chosen sport. With expert coaching, high-performance training, and exposure to all facets of the game—including skill development, game strategy, strength & conditioning, leadership, and sports science—our academies prepare students for success both on and off the field or court.
Whether aspiring to elite competition or looking to enhance their overall sporting ability, students will be immersed in an engaging and challenging environment that fosters growth, resilience, and teamwork.
To find out more,
visit the school website.
Terms & Conditions
An official School Enrolment form be completed and returned with this application
Following receipt of the completed enrolment forms, selected individuals will be invited to an interview with the Principal.
No trials will be conducted without this being completed. If your child is not invited to an interview, they will not be able to tryout
An official place in the Academy may be offered only once the interview has been conducted, an offer of placement at the School has been made, the enrolment has been completed and the trials have been attended.
The easiest process to follow is:
Submit online application form no later than Monday 12th of May 2025.
Attend an interview with the Principal if invited to do so.
Attend the Sports Academy trials for a place in the Academy and bring a character reference letter from PE teacher or Junior club coach.
Scholarships will be awarded to highly skilled athletes, depending on number of places available
Confirmation and Acceptance into the Program and Scholarship recipients will be announced end of Term 3.
Results of the trials remain the property of Court Grammar School
Student's Name
Student's Date of Birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Student's Current School
Student's Gender
Student's Polo Shirt Size (Child/Adult)
Which field of The Arts Academy are you applying for?
Musical Theatre
Visual & Digital Arts
VDA Digital portfolio submissions - by Friday, May 16 (Week 3, Term 2)
VDA applicants are to only submit digital portfolios - no hard copies. Sent to
The portfolio of work should show a range of 2d/3d art styles, including photography and digital art.
These can be shown in a PowerPoint, online slideshow or similar, and should be 7-15 slides/images.
The portfolio should also include a short statement outlining:
Why they want to join the Arts Academy program
What art activities they do in their spare time or their favourite art style
What interests them about the visual and digital arts
Which area of The Sports Academy are you applying for?
Student's 2026 Year Level
Year 5
Year 7
Year 10 - 12
Student's 2026 Year Level
Year 5
Year 7
Student's 2026 Year Level
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Do you currently play for a club?
Position(s) played
Which club/representative team do you currently play for?
If you are not currently playing a sport, please state previous sporting experience.
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/ Guardian Number
Email address
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Please note: this will be the only email address that Academy correspondence will be sent to.
How did you hear about our Sports Academy?
School Website
Word of mouth
AFL/Coach or club
School Tour
How did you hear about our Arts Academy?
School Website
Word of mouth
School Tour
By submitting this form, you agree that your student is currently enrolled before the closing date and prior to attending trials.
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